Cucumber tahini sandwich for the evening snack cravings. Recipe inside

By, Delhi
Aug 07, 2023 12:47 PM IST

Here is a super tasty and healthy recipe for preparing cucumber tahini sandwich at home. Take a look.

Monsoon evenings deserve snacks to be enjoyed with friends. Often in the evenings, we get sudden cravings to munch on snacks. Going out and relishing on street food is an option, but with the rain pouring on the plans of going outside, it is best to stay at home and enjoy the process of making snacks with loved ones and then relishing them with family and friends while watching the rain outside. This is also a hack to have tasty and healthy snacks at home. Sometimes snacks can be a little unhealthy for the body with the amount of oil and spices used in them. We have a fix for the same. What about having cucumber tahini sandwich at home that is extremely easy to make, tasty to have and is light on the body, all the while adding nutrients to the diet?

Cucumber tahini sandwich for the evening snack cravings. Recipe inside(Unsplash)
Cucumber tahini sandwich for the evening snack cravings. Recipe inside(Unsplash)

We have curated a super easy and tasty recipe of preparing cucumber tahini sandwich at home that you can enjoy with your loved ones with the sound of the pouring rain outside adding background music to a perfect evening.

ALSO READ: National Cheese Day: Lip-smacking cheese sandwiches to amaze your taste buds


2 medium English cucumber

¼ cup tahini

8 brown bread slices

1¼ cups hung yogurt

Crushed black peppercorns to taste

1 tsp garlic paste

Salt to taste

4-5 sprigs of fresh dill

1 tsp olive oil

½ lemon

Pickled onion slices as required

Hummus to serve

Crudites to serve


In a bowl, add hung yoghurt, crushed black peppercorns, garlic paste, salt, tear the leaves of dill sprigs together and whisk everything till it's all combined. Then, in a separate bowl, add thinly sliced cucumber, salt, crushed black peppercorns, olive oil and lemon juice. To prepare the sandwich, apply tahini on one slice of bread, spread the yoghurt mixture and slices of cucumber topped with pickled onion slices and cover with the other bread slice with the yoghurt slice facing the cucumbers. Wrap the sandwich in parchment paper and refrigerate for one to two hours. Then, serve the sandwich after cutting it in half, with hummus and crudites.

(Recipe: Sanjeev Kapoor, Chef)


    Tapatrisha is Content Producer with Hindustan Times. She covers stories related to health, relationships, and fashion.

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