In Delhi, 22-year-old woman killed after car gets stuck between speeding trucks

Aug 07, 2023 12:41 PM IST

The took place in north Delhi near Chandgiram Akhara around 12am on Sunday.

A 22-year-old woman in Delhi was killed after her car got stuck between two speeding trucks late on Sunday night, the police said. The incident took place near north Delhi in Chandgiram Akhara.

The identity of the deceased is yet to be ascertained, the police said. (Praful Gangurde / HT Photo/Representative)
The identity of the deceased is yet to be ascertained, the police said. (Praful Gangurde / HT Photo/Representative)

The woman is yet to be identified and an investigation is underway into the accident, the police said.

"An accident took place near Delhi's Chandgiram Akhara last night when a car, driven by a 22-year-old woman got stuck between two speeding trucks. The woman died in the accident," an official said.

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'More fatal accidents at night'

A report on road accidents in the national capital showed that there was a 4% rise in the fatal road accidents in 5 years. There have been more fatal accidents at night till July 15 this year than there were in 2019 on average, a Delhi Traffic Police official said Friday. The official added that overall a total of 58% fatal accidents took place at night in Delhi this year, which is 4% more compared to 2019.

Experts have pointed out several factors contributing to this disturbing trend, including drink driving, speeding commercial vehicles, and a potential reduction in police deployment.

As per the data, a total of 3,533 accidents took place in Delhi, both simple and fatal till July 15, of which 1,582 occurred during the night and 1,951 in the day. 691 of the total accidents were fatal, of which 400 (58%) occurred in the night.

“If we analyse the fatal road accident data of 2019 and 2023, it shows that the contribution of such accidents during night hours has increased by at least 4% in the past five years, while similar incidents during the day declined by almost the same margin,” said special commissioner of police (traffic) Surender Singh Yadav told HT earlier.

In response to this, the police said they have implemented increased preventive measures, which include identifying accident-prone stretches, deploying more traffic personnel, and taking stricter actions against errant motorists.


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