It’s more than a friendship: Anupama and Krishi

Aug 06, 2023 03:37 PM IST

On International Friendship Day today, we talk to BFFs, actors Anupama Anandkumar and Krishi Thapanda about their special bond

While the world celebrates International Friendship Day, it is just another day for actors and best friends Krishi Thapanda and Anupama Anandkumar. “Initially, I used to send her flowers to celebrate, but we’ve slowly realised that each day that we stand by each other is Friendship Day for us. And Krishi has always been by my side,” says Anandkumar. Even Thapanda hasn’t planned anything and would prefer to just chill with her BFF. “We’d rather cuddle up on the couch, watch our favourite shows and order in food!” she tells us.

It’s more than a friendship: Anupama and Krishi
It’s more than a friendship: Anupama and Krishi

Recalling how they met, Anandkumar shares, “I first DM-ed her on Instagram complimenting her style. After that we met on a reality show. But it was only after that show when we began spending more time together and became BFFs. It’s been five years since then,” she says, adding, “We have seen a lot of ups and downs together. When my father was in the hospital and the doctor called us to be there during his last moments, it was Krishi who reached there first and looked after him. This is more than a friendship to me.”

Ask Thapanda what the friendship means to her and she answers, “It’s so comfortable being around her. There’s no judgements, only love and acceptance. We know each other’s secrets and so much more! When we started bonding five years back, there wasn’t a single night that I’d sleep without talking to her. We have so much in common, like our love for spicy food, our travel goals, etc.”

The duo, who recently visited Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya together, have a lot more trips planned for the future. Anandkumar says, “The first one is to visit the F.R.I.E.N.D.S. set in New York City, as it’s our favourite show to binge-watch together, and the second one is to visit the Vampire Diaries set.” Thapanda chimes in, “We are planning to explore West Africa. And we also want to visit some Indian forests.”

While the duo had shared screen space in a few reality shows, they say their wish is act together in a project. “By God’s grace, if an opportunity comes across then we’d definitely love to do a project together,” Thapanda ends.


    Aayushi Parekh writes on entertainment, music, lifestyle, food, culture, art, fashion, beauty, trends, city, events etc. for the daily entertainment and lifestyle supplement, HT City Bengaluru

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