McDonald's employee in the United States makes ‘startling’ revelation about company's iced tea

ByAdarsh Kumar Gupta
Aug 07, 2023 10:29 PM IST

As the video went viral, customers of the food chain company and TikTok users expressed shock at the explosive revelation.

McDonald's iced tea is one of the most sought after beverages at the food company's outlets. An employee of the company has made a sensational revelation about the making of iced tea which might force customers to think twice before consuming it.

McDonald's restaurant sign(REUTERS)
McDonald's restaurant sign(REUTERS)

TikTok user @gia2bad shared a video which shows her emptying a bag of White Satin sugar into a bucket of tea and stirring it up. The video has gone viral and received millions of views on TikTok.

“If y’all were wondering why the sweet tea so sweet at McDonald’s,” Gia wrote in the text over the video.

“Yes we use a whole bag sometimes 2,” she added in the caption referring to bag of sugar.

As the video went viral, customers of the food chain company and TikTok users expressed shock at the explosive revelation.

“Jaw = dropped that’s literally cancer,” wrote one user.

“I’m about to get diabetes,” another user commented.

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However, some users claiming to be employees at McDonald's rejected the claims by Gia. The users claimed that at different locations, the iced tea is made differently.

Notably, according to US Food and Drug Administration's guidelines, added sugars should make up less than 10% of total daily calories.

Meanwhile, the website of McDonald's claims that a large size of sweet tea contains 40 grams of sugar.

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