New Covid variant Eris spreading rapidly in UK; know symptoms and prevention measures

By, New Delhi
Aug 07, 2023 05:04 PM IST

From running nose to fatigue, know 5 symptoms of new Covid variant Eris that is spreading fast in UK.

The pandemic has eased but newer variants of Covid keep emerging. EG.5.1 or Eris that was first identified in May has been raising the number of Covid cases in UK and currently 1 out of 10 Covid cases in UK are due to this latest strain which is not currently listed as variant of concern. Eris has been contributing to hospitalisation cases in UK albeit mostly among elderly. (Also read: Omicron variant Eris sparks concerns, puts UK on Covid alert)

Experts opine that there is a need to keep a close eye on this new strain which is of Omicron lineage and spreads faster than the original Covid-19 virus.
Experts opine that there is a need to keep a close eye on this new strain which is of Omicron lineage and spreads faster than the original Covid-19 virus.

Experts opine that there is a need to keep a close eye on this new strain which is of Omicron lineage and spreads faster than the original Covid-19 virus. However, there is no reason to believe that EG.5.1 is deadlier than previous strain. The rise in cases could be due to waning immunity from previous infections or vaccinations and it's important to take booster shots to build up a defence against the virus.

Eris raising hospitalisation cases among elderly

"As seasons are changing and Covid virus continues to spread, newer variants continue to emerge worldwide. One of the recent variants that has been identified is Eris variant which has recognised to be come out of UK where it has been known to cause 1 in 10 of the Covid cases. This is showing an increase in number of cases in UK, with a somewhat higher levels of hospitalisation for people who are seniors even if they are vaccinated. So, it is something which we need to keep an eye on. This is strain of the Omicron variant which itself was significantly mutated compared to the original Covid 19 virus that came in 2019," says Dr Pavithra Venkatagopalan, corona-virologist and Covid awareness specialist at Rotary Club of Madras NextGen.

Symptoms of new Covid variant Eris

This variant has very similar symptoms compared to previous variants as per Dr Pavithra.

  • Running nose
  • Sneezing
  • Cough
  • Fever
  • Fatigue (mild or severe depending on the person's composition).

Preventive measures

Dr Pavithra says people need to take booster shots if they haven't done already and get tested in case of any symptoms to contain the spread.

"We have to keep an eye on spread of this variant. However treatment and preventive measures continue to be the same. Unvaccinated people should get vaccinated as soon as they are eligible. Booster shots have to be taken if not done so far. If people are known to be showing symptoms, they need to be isolated, get tested if needed. More importantly, now that the schools have started in full swing, the wave will see increase in number of cases. But whether this will result in hospitalisation of the younger population we do not know," says the expert.

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