Pawsing during the crime: Watch San Diego thief stops to play with Golden Retriever before stealing $1300 bicycle

ByAdarsh Kumar Gupta
Aug 07, 2023 11:13 PM IST

In a bizarre incident, a thief tamed a dog and briefly became its friend before committing crime.

Pet dogs are known to be good guards of life and property. But in a bizarre incident, a thief tamed a dog and briefly became its friend before committing crime.

Screengrab of the video(Instagram)
Screengrab of the video(Instagram)

In a viral video from San Diego, a city in California in the United States, the thief is seen stealing a bicycle. While he is leaving the store, a Golden Retriever approaches swiftly at him. But instead of being scared or running away, the thief starts playing with the dog and does bully rub on it. He parks the bicycle in the store and starts speaking to the dog, saying "I love you too" at one moment. Funnily enough, the thief even asks the dog "Where is your dad?" and then yells "Dad" to seemingly call the dog's owner.

Minutes later, the thief escapes with the 2019 black Electra 3-speed bicycle valued at approximately $1,300.

Watch the video here:

San Diego police department took to Instagram and appealed to people to help catch the culprit.

"The suspect is described as a white male, last seen wearing a blue and white hat, gray shirt, blue shorts, and orange athletic shoes. He was carrying a black and blue backpack," the police department posted on Instagram.

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Meanwhile, social media users reacted with funny comments to the video of the burglary.

"This is the most Golden Retriever thing I’ve ever seen," commented one user.

"The dog was like “come back for another bike and a pet,” wrote another user.

"The dude said more than a few times, “where’s your dad?!” Dude was waiting to see if dad was going to come out before he made off with the bike," posted a third user.

"Wow! He has the nerve to call the owner out," wrote a user highlighting the thief's courage.

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