Supermoon 2023: ‘Sturgeon moon’ visible today. What is it? When is next 'blue moon’?

Aug 01, 2023 07:19 PM IST

The first supermoon of this year was in July, and the last one for 2023 will occur in September. The supermoon on Tuesday is also called as ‘sturgeon moon’.

The ‘supermoon’ is when the full moon appears slightly bigger and brighter because it's closer to Earth in its orbit. After 2018, this is the first time we are having two full supermoons in the same month, and it will not happen again until 2037, according to Time and Date. On Tuesday (August 1), the moon will be only 357,530 kilometres from Earth and can be witnessed as a supermoon.

Supermoon is can be witnessed when the full moon occurs near or at the closest point to Earth in its orbit.(Reuters File)
Supermoon is can be witnessed when the full moon occurs near or at the closest point to Earth in its orbit.(Reuters File)

The first supermoon of this year was in July, and the last one for 2023 will occur in September. Tuesday's supermoon is also called as ‘sturgeon moon’. Check more details here.

Also Read | Supermoon August 2023: Know date, time, when and how to watch the rare Sturgeon Moon tonight in India

Why is it called Supermoon?

A ‘supermoon’ is a term coined in 1979 to describe a special kind of full moon. It is a phenomenon that happens when the full moon occurs near or at the closest point to Earth in its orbit.

The moon's orbit is not a perfect circle, so its distance from Earth changes during its cycle. When the moon is at its closest point to Earth (perigee), it is about 48,280 km closer compared to its farthest point (apogee).

The technical term for a supermoon is ‘perigee-syzygy of the Earth-Moon-Sun system’. In astronomy, ‘syzygy’ means a straight-line configuration of three celestial bodies. Another name for a supermoon is ‘perigee full moon’.

Sturgeon Moon

The full moon in August is also called the ‘sturgeon moon’ because, in the past, a lot of sturgeon fish were found in the Great Lakes in North America during this time of the year, according to time and date.

The most common sturgeon in the Great Lakes is the lake sturgeon. Male species of sturgeon can live up to 55 years, while females can live up to 150 years. The lake sturgeon was very important for Native American tribes living in the area and is the oldest and largest native species in the Great Lakes, which is the largest surface freshwater system in the world.

When to watch from India?

In India, people can witness the supermoon at its peak at 12.02 am on August 2. The second supermoon of the month will occur on August 31, but it might not be visible in India as it will reach its peak at 7.05 am.

Next is ‘Super Blue Moon’. What is it?

According to NASA, there are two types of blue moons. One is a seasonal blue moon, which is the third full moon in a season that has four full moons. The other is a monthly blue moon, which is the second Full Moon in a calendar month with two full moons.

Contrary to the common saying “once in a blue moon”, blue moons can actually occur relatively frequently in astronomical terms.

The next monthly blue moon is on August 30/31, 2023, according to Time and Date. The next seasonal blue moon will take place on August 19/20, 2024.

The last time we had a super blue moon was in December 2009, and the next occurrence will be in 9 years, in August 2032.

This year, there will be 13 supermoons. After the two supermoons in August, including a blue moon, which will be the closest to Earth this year, the series will conclude on September 29.

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